• 《三维超稳定有机框架材料的设计、制备以及吸附性能研究》
  • 作者:李雄著
  • 单位:广东工业大学
  • 论文名称 三维超稳定有机框架材料的设计、制备以及吸附性能研究
    作者 李雄著
    学科 化学工程与技术
    学位授予单位 广东工业大学
    导师 郭建维指导
    出版年份 2018
    中文摘要 有机框架新型材料因其具有高比表面积、孔径可调、结构可设计性强等特点而在吸附材料领域、光电催化领域等领域均展示出了巨大的潜在应用价值。随着宏观工程中的(超)静定框架原理及“框架化学”的提出,将宏观工程中的原理应用于微观分子水平,通过较强的共价键将刚性分子“结”、“杆”连接,有望构建出各向同性的高稳定性、低密度有机高分子聚合物,解决目前有机框架材料水热稳定性普遍欠缺的技术性难题。金刚烷桥头碳原子(1,3,5,7)上相连的活泼氢及其自身高对称笼状结构为金刚烷衍生物的制备及在构建新型框架材料的应用提供了可能。为了实现低密度、高稳定性新型框架材料及超静定有机框架材料的构建,本文运用宏观结构工程中的静定框架结构原理和“框架化学”的基本理念,将高度稳定的静定有机框架结构“移植”到微观分子水平,从分子结构定向设计入手,设计合成了系列基于金刚烷构筑具有超稳定性能的有机多孔框架聚合物,对其进行系统的性能探索和研究。主要的研究内容及结论如下: 1.选用Suzuki偶联法将设计好的1,3,5,7-四(4-溴苯基)金刚烷(TPAD)分子“结”分别与1,4-苯二硼酸、4,4'-联苯基二硼酸和4,4”-二硼酸基三联苯(TPDBA)分子“杆”偶联制得三种有机多孔聚合物MOP-Ad-1,MOP-Ad-2及MOP-Ad-3。采用FT-IR,¹³C CP MAS NMR, PXRD, SEM等对其进行结构表征。TGA和酸碱实验结果表明,所制得的三种聚合物均表现出了超高的热稳定性、物理化学稳定性及超强的耐酸碱稳定性。气体吸附结果表明其对小分子气体展示出了一定的储存能力。其中,对H₂的最大储存能力达 120.3 ㎝³ g⁻¹(77 K 和 1.0 bar), CO₂ 最大吸附量为 52.4 ㎝³ g⁻¹(273 K 和 1.0 bar)。通过Henry定律对气体选择性吸附结构表明,MOP-Ads的CO₂/N₂的选择系数在32.6 -53.3之间,CO₂/CH₄的选择性系数在3.8 - 5.9之间。 2.基于MOP-Ads展示出的超高稳定性、物理化学稳定性及超强的耐酸碱稳定性,选取具有最高BET比表面积的MOP-Ad-1做结构表面后修饰。选以先硝化再氨化还原制备得到两种改性框架聚合物M0P-Ad-1-NO₂和MOP-Ad-1-NH₂。釆用FT-IR,¹³C CP MAS NMR,PXRD,SEM等对其进行结构表征。TGA实验结果表明,所制得的两种聚合物依旧具有较超高的热稳定性和物理化学稳定性。通过N₂吸附脱附等温曲线实验发现,后修饰引入的官能团空间大小直接影响聚合物表面结构特征,甚至出现接近全孔封堵现象。由于MOP-Ad-1-NH₂结构表面含有大量的-NH₂官能团,因显著提高聚合物框架结构的极性而对CO₂吸附量剧增,高达104.4㎝³ g⁻¹(273 K和1.0 bar),273 K对CO₂/N₂的选择性高达75.1。通过Clausius-Clapeyron方程计算得到MOP-Ad-1-NH₂在273 K和298 K下对CO₂的吸附焓为37.4 kJmol⁻¹。说明其对CO₂的吸附为物理吸附,属于临界温度下的经典吸附。 3.基于静定有机框架材料的概念,构建基于刚性结构单元和C-C强共价键导向的三维静定有机框架材料;设计并合成3,3’,5,5’,7,7’-六(4-溴苯基)-1,1’-联金刚烷(HBPBA)和1,3,5,7-四(1,3-二溴苯基)金刚烷(TBBPA)作为基本构筑基元“结”,选用以炔基封端的4,4’-二乙炔基联苯作为刚性构筑分子“杆”,通过Sonogashira-Hagihara聚合反应制备了两种框架材料MF-Ad-4和MF-Ad-5。在对MF-Ad-4和MF-Ad-5进行化学热稳定性、孔径及对小分子气体选择性吸附的同时,其具有超静定结构的MF-Ad-5展示出超高的CO₂吸附能力,高达72.5 ㎝³ g⁻¹,CO₂/N₂的选择性在273 K下高达84.5。这主要得益于MF-Ad-5中存在大量连续的大π-π共轭结构。另外,结合油水分离实验发现MF-Ad-4和MF-Ad-5还具备超强的油水分离能力,分离效果高达99.6 %。 关键字:金刚烷,超稳定性,吸附性能,共轭体系,有机框架
    英文摘要 As the development of our society, advanced materials with high-stable and low-density are desirable. Based on the "Framework Chemical" concept and the principle of static-determined structure engineering applied in the macroscopic structures, it is realistic to form the networks with excellent stability and low density at molecular level through covalent forces exist between the rigid "knot" and "rod". Adamantane is a chemical molecule with highly systematic cage-like structure and the hydrogen linked with bridgehead carbon is active. Thus, this molecule and the corresponding derivatives based on it have great potential to construct advanced organic materials. In order to construct the advanced polymers with excellent chemical and hydrothermal stability, in this study, series of microporous organic frameworks based on adamantane were designed and synthesized, according to Framework Chemical. And the properties of pore and adsorption of small gases were further explored. The detailed work were listed as follows: 1.Three microporous organic polymers (MOP-Ad) have been synthesized via Suzuki coupling polymerization of 1,3,5,7-tetrakis(4-bromophenyl)adamantane "knots" with three phenylboronic acid-type "rods". Gas adsorption studies of the MOP-Ad materials demonstrated their permanent porosity and good gas storage capabilities (120.3 ㎝³ g⁻¹ for H₂ at 77 K and 1.0 bar, 52.4 ㎝³ g⁻¹ for CO₂ at 273 K and 10 bar, as well as moderate CO₂/N₄ and CO₂/CH₄ adsorption selectivity. Moreover, high thermal stability (up to 520 ℃) and remarkable chemical resistance to strong acids and bases were found in these polymers, making them suitable candidates as gas storage materials in harsh chemical environments. 2.In view of the problem of the instability of most microporous organic frameworks in various solvents, such as DI water, acids and bases, we designed and synthesized a three-dimensional microporous organic frameworks based on adamantane (MOP-Ad-1) via Suzuki coupling reactions, which exhibited ultra-high physicochemical and hydrothermal stabilities. Additionally, the post-synthesized modification of these materials thought direct nitration of aryl linkers followed by reduction (MOP-Ad-1-NH₂) were also showed promising CO₂/N₂ breakthrough separation performance for carbon capture and storage, which the CO₂ uptake capacities were up to 104.4 ㎝³ g⁻¹ at 273 K and 10 bar, and the selectivity of CO₂/N₂ values was up to 75.1 in the same conditions. Additionally, the Q〓 was calculated at 273 K and 298 K, demonstrated the adsorption between CO₂ and MOP-Ad-1-NH₂ physical absorption. 3.Two microporous organic frameworks based on adamantane (hereafter denoted as MF-Ad-4 and MF-Ad-5) were fabricated through Sonogashira-Hagihara coupling polycondensation of aryl halides and alkynes. Results show that both types of MF-Ad had similar porous properties but exhibited excellent CO₂ uptake capacities were up to 72.5 ㎝³ g⁻¹ at 273 K and 10 bar, CO₂/N₂ selectivity was up to 84.5 in the same conditions. This superior performance could be attributed to the narrower pore-size distribution of these MF-Ad frameworks herein, as well as the π-conjugated skeleton. Taking advantage of the superhydrophobic wettability of the resulting MF-Ad networks, wire mesh scaffolds were used to fabricate superhydrophobic films with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) acting as a binder. These films displayed excellent instant hydrocarbon/water separation efficiency (up to 99.6 %), which was maintained at a constant level after five repeated cycles. This work provides a novel insight into the fabrication of microporous organic frameworks and extends their applicability to carbon capture and storage and absorption of hazardous organic pollutants. Keywords: adamantane, ultra stability, CO₂ uptake capacities, microporous frameworks, conjugated skeleton
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