• 《中药路路通抗肿瘤药效物质及作用机制研究》
  • 作者:包永睿著
  • 单位:辽宁中医药大学
  • 论文名称 中药路路通抗肿瘤药效物质及作用机制研究
    作者 包永睿著
    学科 生药学
    学位授予单位 辽宁中医药大学
    导师 孟宪生指导
    出版年份 2019
    中文摘要 目的 中药路路通始载于《本草纲目拾遗》,为金缕梅科植物枫香树Liquidambar formosana Hance的干燥成熟果序,具有祛风活络,利水、通络的功效。现代药理研究表明,路路通具有保肝、抗肿瘤、消炎等作用。《素问》中指出:“经脉者,所以决生死,处百病,调虚实,不可不通”。现代中医认为,肿瘤是长期经络气血瘀滞所致的结果,经络系统与肿瘤病证发生发展及病证治疗有着极为密切的联系。路路通果体多孔,归肝、肾经,有通行十二经之功效。本课题在疏经通络治疗肿瘤的中医理论指导下,通过前期DEN灌注大鼠肝癌药理模型,明确路路通抗肝肿瘤药理药效作用的基础上,从通经络药路路通中明确抗肝肿瘤药效组分、活性单体成分及作用机理,为探讨路路通治疗肝肿瘤的药效物质基础及治疗机理提供实验支撑,同时也为中医疏经通络治疗肿瘤的治疗机制提供科学依据。 方法 1.采用高效液相色谱法,构建路路通药材的不同极性部位、不同产地的指纹图谱;采用体外细胞药理药效评价方法,以抑制率为考察指标,开展不同极性部位、不同产地、不同给药剂量的体外药效评价;利用灰关分析、偏最小二乘回归2种分析方法进行谱效关系分析,将指纹图谱中指纹峰含量与体外药效抑制率指标进行关联,获得路路通药材中抗肝肿瘤药效单体成分的贡献率。 2.采用液质联用技术结合对照品比对、文献检索方法,开展路路通药效组分成分解析研究;采用指纹图谱技术,构建不同产地路路通药材质量控制方法的同时,利用聚类分析和主成分分析方法,开展不同产地药材亲缘种属关系及含量指标与药效指标比对研究。 3.采用硅胶柱色谱、ODS柱色谱、Sephadex LH-20凝胶柱色谱、分析及制备型高效液相色谱、制备型薄层硅胶色谱等手段和方法,对路路通乙酸乙酯提取物的化学成分进行系统研究。 4.采用流式细胞技术,通过Annexin V-FITC/PI双染色法及PI单染色法,探讨路路通药效组分及单体成分对人肝癌SMMC-7721细胞周期分裂及凋亡坏死的影响;采用实时荧光定量PCR和Western Blot等相关技术,检测诱导肝癌细胞凋亡和迁移通路上相关基因及蛋白的相对表达量,探讨路路通抗肝肿瘤的作用机制。 5.采用血清药物化学法及HPLC-QTOF-MS技术,探讨大鼠灌服临床人等效剂量30倍、10倍量路路通乙酸乙酯提取物的入血成分;采用DEN化学诱导大鼠肝癌模型,以脏器指数、病理切片等为指标,开展路路通乙酸乙酯提取物、路路通油及路路通酸体内抗肝肿瘤药效学研究;采用HPLC-QTOF=MS技术结合MPP分析软件,开展乙酸乙酯提取物、路路通油及路路通酸干预DEN肝癌大鼠血浆中差异代谢物及代谢通路研究,从代谢组学方面阐释乙酸乙酯提取物、路路通油及路路通酸抗肝肿瘤的作用机理。结果 1.本研究表明路路通不同极性物质组对6种不同器官的肿瘤细胞均有一定的抑制作用,其中作用于人肝癌细胞株SMMC-7721、人胃癌细胞株HGC-27、人非小细胞肺癌细胞株A549要好于其它3种肿瘤细胞,不同极性物质组中二氯甲烷和乙酸乙酯提取物表现出更显著的抗肿瘤活性,且乙酸乙酯提取物更优;基于不同极性路路通抗肿瘤活性的谱效关系研究中,较强的成分为5、6、8、12、13、14、18、19、20号共9个色谱峰;基于不同产地路路通抗肿瘤的谱效关系研究中,活性较强的成分为1、2、3、4、12、14、 16、19、21、25、26、27共12个色谱峰。 2.本研究经标准品比对、Metlin等相关数据库查询和质谱解析等手段共推测鉴定出17个化学成分,分别为4号-Phellopterin,6号-Imperatorin,13号-Sesquichamaenol, 14号-2-hydroxy-3-oxo-1,4(5)-oleanadien-28-oic acid,15号-2α,3β二羟基-23-去甲齐墩果-4(24)-12(13)-二烯-28-羧酸,16号-Lantanoic acid,17号-Camarolide,18号-阿江榄仁酸,19号-6β-hydroxyl-3-oxolup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid,20号-3, 4-seco-olean-12-ene-3,28-dioic acid,21号-路路通内酯,22号-桦木酸,23号-3,6-dion-20 (29)-lupen-28-oic acid,24号-3-oxoursoleana-9(11),12-dien-28-oic acid,25号-Betulonic acid,26号-齐墩果酸酮,27号-3-羰基-熊果酸。 3.本研究运用聚类分析将11个不同产地的路路通分为四类,其中保定、江苏朱文忠中医为一类,河北鼎辰为一类,江苏民乐秦皇岛、江苏成大方圆为一类,其余产地为一类;采用主成分分析对11个不同产地的路路通含量差异成分进行筛查,筛选出以含量为指标在聚类分析中起相对重要作用的特征峰为3、4、7、11、12、14、15、17、19、20、21、22、24、27共计12个峰,而路路通抗肿瘤活性成分筛选结果为1、2、4、5、 6、8、12、13、16、17、18、19、20、21、24、25、6共计17个峰,通过比较发现二者共有7个峰相同。 4.本研究从路路通乙酸乙酯提取物中共分离得到31个已知化合物,分别为熊果酸、3-羰基熊果酸、桦木酸、3,6-dion-20(29)-lupen-28-oic acid、3-oxoursoleana-9(11), 12-dien-28-oic acid、sesquichamaenol、5,7,4'-trimethoxy flavane-3-ol、3-oxo-11 α, 12α-epoxy-oleanan-28,13β-olide、3-oxo-11,13(18)-oleanadicn-28-oic acid、4-hydroxy-4, 7-dimethyl-1-tetralone、imperatorin、phelloptcrin、2-hydroxy-3-oxo-1,4(5) -oleanadien-28-oic acid、3a-bydroxy-11α,12α-cpoxyoleanan-28,13β-olide、camarolide、 6β-hydroxy-3-oxolup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid、melliferone、3,4-seco-ursan-4(23),12-dien-3, 28-dioic acid、齐墩果酸、3,4-seco-olean-12-ene-3,28-dioic acid、3,4-seco-ursan12-ene-3, 28-dioic acid、3-oxo-12α-hydroxyolcanan-28,13β-olide、3,4-seco-olean-4(23),12-dien-3, 28-dioic acid、聚乙炔法卡林二醇、betulonic acid、3-oxo-oleana-12-en-28-oic acid、阿江榄仁酸、eucalyptanoic acid、23-trans-p-coumaroyloxy-2α,3β-dihydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid、3-oxo-28-norolean-12-en、lantanoic acid。 5.本研究通过流式细胞技术,检测分析到路路通乙酸乙酯提取物及各单体成分均具有一定的诱导人肝癌SMMC-7721细胞凋亡作用,其细胞给药刺激后周期发生变化,给药组细胞周期出现不同程度的S期和G2/M期阻滞,从而延缓肿瘤细胞的分裂周期,实现对肝癌SMMC-7721细胞的增殖抑制作用。 6.本研究发现路路通乙酸乙酯提取物、各单体成分均能调控人肝癌SMMC-7721细胞中PTEN、PI3K、AKT、PDCD4、VEGFA、Caspase 9、Caspase 3、Bcl-2、Bax、 Bad共计10个基因及PTEN、PI3K、p-PI3K、AKT、p-AKT、Caspase 9、VEGFA共计7个蛋白的表达;其中PTEN、PDCD4、Caspasc 9、Caspase 3、Bax和Bad相对表达量增加,PI3K、p-PI3K、AKT、p-AKT、VEGFA和Bcl-2相对表达量降低,但乙酸乙酯提取物及不同单体成分调控作用差异较大。 7.本研究从路路通乙酸乙酯提取物高剂量组与空白组大鼠血浆化学成分差异分析得到8个原型入血成分,其中6β-hydroxyl-3-oxolup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid、 Sesquichamacnol、3-羰基-熊果酸为确定入血成分,Imperatorin、Camarolide/3-oxoursoleana-9(11),12-dien-28-oic acid、Phellopterin、2-hydroxy-3-oxo-1, 4(5)-oleanadien-28-oic acid、2α,3β-二羟基-23-去甲齐墩果-4(24)-12(13)-二烯-28-羧酸为可能入血成分;从路路通乙酸乙提取物低剂量组与空白组大鼠血浆化学成分差异分析得到11个原型入血成分,其中Lantanoic acid、阿江榄仁酸、6β-hydroxyl-3-oXolup-20 (29)-en-28-oic acid、路路通内酯、3,6-dion-20(29)-lupen-28-oic acid、Sesquichamaenol、 3-羰基-熊果酸为确定入血成分,Imperatorin、Phellopterin、2-hydroxy-3-oxo-1,4(5) -oleanadien-28-oic acid、2α,3β-二羟基-23-去甲齐墩果-4(24)-12(13)-二烯-28-羧酸为可能入血成分。 8.本研究基于DEN大鼠肝癌模型的体内药效研究结果表明,空白组大鼠肝组织红润光滑、质地柔软,模型组大鼠肝组织表面密布瘤状结节,各别瘤体直径超过1㎜,路路通乙酸乙酯提取物、路路通油及路路通酸中各组大鼠肝组织与模型组比较有不同程度的改善,且能不同程度的降低大鼠脾指数,提高大鼠的胸腺指数。 9.本研究借助HPLC-QTOF-MS技术及相关数据库鉴定或标准品比对分析方法,探讨路路通乙酸乙酯提取物、路路通油及路路通酸干预大鼠血浆中内源性代谢物的变化,结果表明,路路通乙酸乙酯提取物、路路通油及路路通酸干预后大鼠血浆中共鉴定88种潜在的生物标志物,如LysoPC(14:0/0:0)、Eicosapentaenoic acid、 sphingosine-1-phosphate等,推测路路通乙酸乙酯提取物、路路通油及路路通酸对DEN肝癌大鼠体内代谢差异物的变化主要与脂类物质代谢、不饱和脂肪酸类物质代谢、磷酸鞘氨醇代谢、花生四烯酸代谢、酰基肉碱代谢、氨基酸代谢等途径有关。 结论 1.本研究采用谱效技术结合多维统计分析方法,针对路路通药材不同极性部位、不同产地、不同给药剂量,在指纹图谱构建的基础上,利用灰关分析、偏最小二乘回归2种分析方法,获得对药效贡献较强的单体成分,形成了一套用于中药及复方药效物质筛选、评价、验证的新方法,该方法合理、科学,能够为其他中药及复方药效物质筛选评价提供新思路。 2.本研究通过液质联用技术结合对照品比对方法,分离鉴定出17个成分,其中所推测出17个成分中有10个成分为主要药效成分;采用聚类分析和主成分分析方法,在构建基于指纹图谱技术的路路通药材质量控制方法的同时,开展化学指标成分与药效指标成分比对研究,为基于药效指标成分筛选研究的合理性提供依据。 3.本研究采用硅胶柱色谱等分析、分离手段,对路路通乙酸乙酯提取物化学成分进行系统研究,共分离鉴定得到31个己知化合物,其中falcarindiol、cucalyptanoic acid、 23-trans-p-coumaroyloxy-2α,3β-dihydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid等共计18个化合物为枫香属(liquidambar)植物属首次分离得到。 4.本研究采用流式细胞技术结合相关基因、蛋白检测方法,对路路通药效组分及单体成分作用于细胞机制进行研究,路路通乙酸乙酯提取物及6个单体成分均能不同程度地诱导肝癌细胞早期凋亡,其作用是通过调控细胞有丝分裂的不同时期来实现的,其作用机制为调控PI3K-AKT/Caspase 9和PI3K-AKT/VEGF信号通路,增加PTEN的表达,降低PI3K、p-PI3K、AKT、P-AKT、Bcl-2、Bax和Bad的表达,起到抑制肿瘤的生长和分裂并促进肿瘤细胞凋亡的作用。 5.本研究采用血清药物化学的方法,探讨路路通乙酸乙酯提取物高、低剂量组入血成分,共计发现11个原型入血成分,其中Camarolidc/3-oxoursoleana-9(11), 12-dien-28-oic acid为高剂量组特有成分;Lantanoic acid、阿江榄仁酸、路路通内酯、3, 6-dion-20(29)-lupen-28-oic acid 4个成分为低剂量组特有成分。 6.本研究采用DEN化学诱导大鼠肝癌药理模型,开展乙酸乙酯提取物、路路通油、路路通酸体内抗肝肿瘤药理药效研究,实验结果说明上述物质均对肝肿瘤具有很好的治疗作用,且乙酸乙酯提取物及路路通酸不仅具有杀伤肿瘤的作用,还具有肝脏修复的功能。采用代谢组学的方法,寻找乙酸乙酯提取物、路路通油、路路通酸干预DEN肝癌大鼠血浆中变化的代谢物及可能参与的代谢通路,实验结果证明乙酸乙酯提取物、路路通油、路路通酸调节大鼠体内代谢物及代谢通路不尽相同,该研究体现路路通多靶点、多通路调控的特点,为路路通活性部位及单体成分的机制研究提供了靶点,同时为路路通发展成新型抗肝癌药物提供大量的实验依据。 关键词:路路通;肝肿瘤;谱效关系;药效物质基础;作用机制
    英文摘要 Objective: Fructus Liquidambaris was first published in supplement to "compendium of materia medica". It is the dried ripe fruit inflorescence of Liquidambar formosana Hance, a member of the hamamelis family. It possesses the effect of removing wind and activating collaterals, benefiting water and clearing collaterals. Modern pharmacological research shows that fructus liquidambaris has the effects of protecting liver, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory. "Su wen" pointed out: "the role in the context, determine to live or die, cure a hundred diseases, regulate excess or deficiency, can not be impasability". Modern Chinese medicine believes that tumor is the result of the stagnation of qi and blood stasis in the meridians for a long time. The meridian system is closely related to the occurrence, development and treatment of cancer diseases and syndromes. Fructus Liquidambaris has porous body, belongs to liver kidney meridians, with the function of passing twelve sutras. The study of this topic is under the guidance of TCM theory “relieving rigidity of muscle and activating collaterals to cure cancer”. At the early stage, the pharmacological and pharmacodynamic effects of fructus liquidambaris on hepatic tumor were clarified through the pharmacological model of DEN induced hepatocellular carcinoma in rats. On the basis of the above research, the anti-liver tumor pharmacodynamic components or activc monomer components and the mechanism of action were clarified, which provided experimental support for revealing the pharmacodynamic material basis and treatment mechanism of fructus liquidambaris treating liver tumor, and also provided scientific basis for the treatment mechanism of relieving rigidity of muscle and activating collaterals to cure cancer. Method: 1. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to establish the fingerprints of different polar parts and different producing areas of fructus liquidambaris. The in vitro pharmacodynamic evaluation method was used to evaluate the in vitro pharmacodynamic effects of different polar parts, different places of origin and different dosages. Two analytical methods, gray correlation analysis and partial least squares regression, were used to analyze the spectral activity relationship, and the fingerprint peak content in the fingerprint was correlated with the in vitro pharmacodynamic inhibition rate index, so as to obtain the contribution rate of the main pharmacodynamic monomer components in fructus liquidambaris against liver tumors. 2.Liquid-mass coupling (LC-MS) technique combined with reference comparison and literature retrieval was used to analyze the pharmacodynamic components of fructus liquidambaris. Fingerprint technique was used to construct the quality control method of fructus liquidambaris from different producing areas. At the same time, cluster analysis and principal component analysis were used to carry out the research on the relationship of relatives and genera of medicinal materials from different areas, and the comparative study between the content index and the pharmacodynamic index. 3.Methods as silica gel column chromatography, ODS column chromatography, Sephadex LH-20 gel column chromatography, analytical and preparative high performance liquid chromatography and preparative thin layer silica gel chromatography and so on were used to study the chemical constituents of the ethyl acetate layer of fructus liquidambaris systematically. 4.Flow cytometry and Annexin v-fitc /PI double staining and PI single staining were used to investigate the effects of pharmacodynamic components and monomer components in fructus liquidambaris on the cell cycle and apoptosis of SMMC-7721 human liver cancer cell. RT-PCR and western Blot technology were used to detect the relative expression levels of related genes and proteins in the apoptosis and migration pathways of hepatocellular carcinoma cells to explore the mechanism of action of fructus liquidambaris against liver tumor. 5.The serum pharmacochemical method and HPLC-QTOF-MS technique were used to investigate the blood components of ethyl acetate extract from fructus liquidambaris after administrated with the equivalent dose of 30 times and 10 times that of clinical humans on rats. DEN induced hepatocellular carcinoma model in rats was used to study the pharmacodynamics of anti-liver tumor in vivo of ethyl acetate extract, fructus liquidambaris oil and fructus liquidambaris acid taking organ indexes and pathological sections as indicators. HPLC-QTOF-MS technology and MPP analysis software were used to investigate the effects of ethyl acetate extract, fructus liquidambaris oil and fructus liquidambaris acid on the plasma differential metabolites and metabolic pathways in DEN indused hepatocellular carcinoma rats, to elucidate the mechanism from metabolomics. Results: 1. This study shows that different polarity substances of fructus liquidambaris all have certain inhibitory effect on tumor cells of 6 different organs, in which the effect on human liver cancer cell line SMMC-7721, human stomach cancer cell line HGC-27, human non-small cell lung cancer cell line A549 are better than the other three. The extracts of dichloromethane and ethyl acetate show more significant antitumor activity, and the extract of ethyl acetate is better. In the study of the spectral activity relationship based on the anti-tumor activity of different polarity components, more active components were 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19 and 20, a total of 9 chromatographic peaks. In the study of the spectral activity relationship based on the anti-tumor activity of different origins, more active components were 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 25, 26 and 27, a total of 12 chromatographic peaks. 2.In this study, a total of 17 chemical components were identified by means of standard substancc comparison, Metlin and other related database query and mass spectrometry analysis, respectively No. 4-Phellopterin, No. 6-Imperatorin, No. 13-Sesquichamaenol, No. 14-2-hydroxy-3-oxo-l , 4(5)-oleanadien-28-oic acid, No. 15-2α, 3β-dihydroxy -23-norestolate -4 (24) -12 (13) -diene-28 - carboxylic acid, No. 16-Lantanoic acid, No. 17-Camarolide, No. 18-Arjunolic acid, No. 19-6β-hydroxyl-3-oxolup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid, No. 20-3, 4-seco-olean-12-ene-3, 28-dioic acid, No. 21-3-oxo-11α, 12α-epoxy-oleanan-28, 13β-olide, No. 22-Betulinic acid, No. 23-3 , 6-dion-20(29)-lupen-28-oic acid, No. 24-3-oxoursoleana-9(11) , 12-dien-28-oic acid, No. 25-Betulonic acid, No. 26-3-oxo-oleana-12-en-28-oic acid, No. 27-3-oxo-ursolic acid. 3.Cluster analysis divided the 11 fructus liquidambaris from different places into four categories, among which baoding and jiangsu zhu wenzhong Chinese medicine for a class, hebei dingchen for a class, jiangsu minle qinhuangdao and jiangsu chengda radius for a class, the others for a class. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to screen the components with different contents in 11 different producing areas. A total of 12 peaks (3, 4, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27) were screened out by using the content as indicators. A total of 17 peaks (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26) were screened out by using the anti-tumor active ingredients of fructus liquidambaris as indicators. Compared with them there are 7 identical peaks. 4.A total of 31 known compounds were isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of fructus liquidambaris, respectively ursolic acid, 3-carbonyl ursolic acid, betulinic acid, 3,6-dion-20 (29) -lupen-28-oic acid, 3-oxoursoleana-9 (11 ) , 12-dien-28-oic acid, sesquichamaenol, 5, 7,4’-trimethoxy flavane-3-ol, 3-oxo-11α, 12α-epoxy-oleanan-28, 13β-olide, 3-oxo-11, 13 (18)-oleanadien-28-oic acid, 4-hydroxy-4, 7-dimethyl-1-tetralone, imperatorin, phellopterin, 2-hydroxy-3-oxo-l,4 (5) -oleanadien-28-oic acid, 3α-hydroxy-llα, 12α-epoxyoleanan-28, 13β-olide, camarolide, 6β-hydroxy-3-oxolup-20 ( 29 ) -en-28-oic acid, melliferone, 3 , 4-seco-ursan-4 (23) , 12-dien-3, 28-dioic acid, oleanolic acid, 3, 4-seco-olean-12-ene-3, 28-dioic acid, 3, 4-seco-ursan-12-ene-3 , 28-dioic acid, 3-oxo-12α-hydroxyoleanan-28 , 13β-olide, 3, 4-seco-olean-4 (23) , 12-dien-3, 28-dioic acid, falcarindiol, betulonic acid, 3-oxo-oleana-12-en-28-oic acid, arjunolic acid, eucalyptanoic acid, 23-trans-p-coumaroyloxy-2α ,3β-dihydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid, 3-oxo-28-norolean-12-en and lantanoic acid. 5.By flow cytometry technique findout that ethyl acetate extract and monomer composition of fructus liquidambaris possess certain effect of inducing SMMC-7721 cells in human liver cancer apoptosis. The cell cycle changed after the stimulation of drug administration, and it showed different degrees of S phase and G2/M phase arrest. Therefore, it can delay the division cycle of tumor cells and inhibit the proliferation of liver cancer SMMC-7721 cells. 6.Each monomer component and ethyl acetate extract of fructus liquidambaris can regulate the expression of 10 genes including PTEN, PI3K, AKT, PDCD4, VEGFA, Caspase 9, Caspase 3, Bcl-2, Bax and Bad, and 7 proteins including PTEN, PI3K, p-PI3K, AKT, p-AKT, Caspase 9 and VEGFA in smmc-7721 cells of human liver cancer. The relative expression levels of PTEN, PDCD4, Caspase 9, Caspase 3, Bax and Bad increased, while the relative expression levels of PI3K, p-PI3K, AKT, p-AKT, VEGFA and Bcl-2 decreased. However, the regulatory effects of ethyl acetate extract and different monomer components were significantly different. 7.Eight prototype blood components were obtained from the plasma chemical composition analysis of rats in the high dose group and the blank group, in which 6β-hydroxyl-3-oxolup-20 (29) -en-28-oic acid, Sesquichamaenol and 3-carbonyl-ursolic acid were determined. Imperatorin, Camarolide/3-oxoursoleana-9 ( 11 ) , 12-dien-28-oic acid, Phellopterin, 2-hydroxy-3-oxo-1, 4 (5) -oleanadien-28-oic acid and 2α, 3β-dihydroxy-23-norestolate -4 (24) -12 (13) -diene-28 - carboxylic acid were speculated. Eleven prototype blood components were obtained from the plasma chemical composition analysis of rats in the low dose group and the blank group, in which Lantanoic acid, Arjunolic acid, 6β-hydroxyl-3-oxolup-20(29 )-en-28-oic acid, 3-oxo-11α, 12α-epoxy-oleanan-28, 13β-olide, 3 , 6-dion-20 ( 29 ) -lupen-28-oic acid, Sesquichamaenol and 3-carbonyl-ursolic acid were determined. Imperatorin, Phellopterin, 2-hydroxy-3-oxo-1 , 4 (5) -oleanadien-28-oic acid and 2α, 3β-dihydroxy -23- norestolate -4 (24) -12 (13) -diene-28 - carboxylic acid were speculated. 8.The in vivo efficacy results based on DEN-induced hepatocellular carcinoma model in rats showed that, the liver tissue of blank group was ruddy and smooth with soft texture, the model group were densely covered with nodules, the diameter of some tumor exceeded 1㎜. Compared with the model group, the liver tissues of ethyl acetate extract of fructus liquidambaris group, fructus liquidambaris oil group and fructus liquidambaris acid group were varying degrees of improvement. The spleen index decreased in different degrees and thymus index ascended. 9.HPLC-QTOF-MS technology and database identification or standard substance comparative method were used to explore changes of endogenous metabolites in rat plasma after the intervention of ethyl acetate extract of fructus liquidambaris, fructus liquidambaris oil and fructus liquidambaris acid. A total of 78 potential biomarkers were identified, such as LysoPC ( 14:0/0:0 ) , Eicosapentaenoic acid and sphingosine-1-phosphate etc. It was speculated that the changes of metabolites in DEN-induced hepatocellular carcinoma rats were mainly related to lipid metabolism, unsaturated fatty acid metabolism, phosphosphenol metabolism, arachidonic acid metabolism, acylcamitine metabolism, amino acid metabolism and other pathways. Conclusion: 1. Spectrum efficiency technology combined with multi-dimensional statistical analysis method were used to establish the fingerprints of different polar parts, different producing areas and different doses of fructus liquidambaris, based on which gray correlation analysis and partial least squares regression methods were used to analyze monomer components with strong contribution to the efficacy. A set of new methods for screening, evaluation and verification of medicinal substances in traditional Chinese medicine and compound prescription were formed. This method is reasonable and scientific, can provide new ideas for screening medicinal substances of traditional Chinese medicine and compound prescription. 2.A total of 17 chemical ingredients were identified by means of mass spectrometry analysis and standard substance comparison, in which 10 were major mcdicinal ingredients. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis methods were used to establish the quality control method for the fingerprint of fructus liquidambaris. Meanwhile the comparative study of chemical index components and pharmacodynamic index components was carried out, which provide a basis for the rationality of the research based on the screening of pharmacodynamic index components. 3.By means of silica gel column chromatography and other means of analysis and separation, the chemical constituents of ethyl acetate extract of fructus liquidambaris were systematically studied. A total of 31 known compounds were identified, in which 18 compounds including falcarindiol, eucalyptanoic acid, 23-trans-p-coumaroyloxy-2α,3β-dihydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid and so on were first isolated from liquidambar. 4.Flow cytometry combined with related gene and protein detection methods was used to study the mechanism of action of pharmacodynamic components and monomer components on cells. The ethyl acetate extract and 6 monomer components of fructus liquidambaris can induce the early apoptosis of liver cancer cells to different degrees. Its function is achieved by regulating different stages of cell mitosis, and the mechanism of action is to regulate the PI3K-AKT/Caspase 9 and PI3K-AKT/VEGF signaling pathways, increase the expression of PTEN, reduce the expression of PI3K, p-PI3K, AKT, p-AKT, Bcl-2, Bax and Bad to inhibit the growth and division of tumor and promote the apoptosis of tumor 5.Serum pharmacochemistry method was used to investigate the blood transfusion components of high and low dose groups of ethyl acetate extract from fructus liquidambaris. A total of 11 prototype blood transfusion components were found, among which Camarolide/3-oxoursoleana-9 (11) and 12-dien-28-oic acid were the specific components of the high dose group. The 4 components of Lantanoic acid, Arjunolic acid, 3-oxo-11α, 12α-epoxy-oleanan-28, 13β-olide, 3, 6-didion -20 (29) -lupen-28-oic acid were the special components of low dose group. 6.DEN-induced hepatocellular carcinoma model in rats is adopted to carry out the pharmacological efficacy study of ethyl acetate extract, fructus liquidambaris oil, fructus liquidambaris acid resisting liver tumors. The results show that all of the above material have excellent therapeutic effect on liver tumors, and ethyl acetate extract and ethyl acetate extract not only have the effect of killing tumor, but also possess the function of the liver repair. Metabonomics method are adopted to explore the changes of metabolites in rats plasma and possible metabolic pathways after the intervention of ethyl acetate extract, fructus liquidambaris oil and fructus liquidambaris acid in DEN-induced hepatocellular carcinoma rats. The results showed that the metabolites and metabolic pathways in rats regulated by ethyl acetate extract, fructus liquidambaris oil and fructus liquidambaris acid were different, which reflects the characteristics of multi-target and multi-path regulation and provides targets for the study of the active part and the mechanism of the monomer component of fructus liquidambaris, and provides a great deal of experimental basis for the development of new anti-liver cancer drugs of fructus liquidambaris. Key words: Liquidambar formosana fruits; liver tumors; spectrum-effect relationship; pharmacodynamic material basis; mechanism of action
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