• 《噻唑[5,4-d]并噻唑双吡啶基金属-有机框架的合成、结构及性能研究》
  • 作者:翟智卫著
  • 单位:郑州大学
  • 论文名称 噻唑[5,4-d]并噻唑双吡啶基金属-有机框架的合成、结构及性能研究
    作者 翟智卫著
    学科 无机化学
    学位授予单位 郑州大学
    导师 杜晨霞指导
    出版年份 2019
    中文摘要 作为一种独特的有序的多孔材料,金属-有机框架(metal-organic frameworks,MOFs)因其迷人的结构、有趣的性质,被赋予各种潜在的应用前景。通过有意识地改变无机SBUs和合理选择有机配体的方式,实现调节MOFs孔道尺寸/形状以及化学性质的目的,从而更好地应用,一直是科研工作者非常感兴趣的热门课题之一。2,5-双(4-吡啶基)噻唑[5,4-d]并噻唑(Py₂TTz)具有良好的荧光性质,集吡啶和噻唑[5,4-d]并噻唑特征于一身,拥有多个配位点,可以产生多种配位模式。如果能将Py₂TTz配体引入MOFs,对MOFs的结构调控和荧光调节是非常有意义的。然而,关于Py₂TTz配体基MOFs的研究却鲜有报道。本论文通过双配体策略,将Py₂TTz配体成功引入到MOFs之中,并对其荧光、气体吸附、非均相催化等性能进行了系统研究。 本论文的研究工作主要包含以下四个部分: 一、利用双配体策略,在溶剂热条件下成功合成了三个混合配体的MOFs (1-3)。三个化合物具有相似的二重穿插3D层-双柱结构。同时,化合物1-2表现出良好的荧光性能和水稳定性,这赋予它们进行水相检测的潜在可能性。实验结果表明,化合物1-2可以作为水相检测芳香硝基化合物2,4,6-三硝基苯酚(TNP)和抗生素呋喃西林(NZF)的荧光传感器。DFT计算以及分析物吸收光谱与MOFs荧光发射光谱的有效交叠表明:分析物对化合物1-2的荧光淬灭是光诱导电子转移(photo-induced electron transfer,PET)过程和福斯特共振能量转移(Förster resonance energy transfer,FRET)过程共同作用的结果。荧光衰减实验表明:分析物对化合物1-2的荧光淬灭机理同时涉及静态淬灭和动态淬灭两种过程。 二、通过组装Py₂TTz、2-NH₂-H₂BDC配体和相应金属离子,在溶剂热条件下成功合成了两种氨基功能化的Zn/Cd-MOFs(4和5)。它们拥有相似的二重穿插的3D层-双柱结构,其中双核金属SBU节点与配体2-NH₂-BDC²⁺组成2D层, Py₂TTz配体构成双柱。两种MOFs具有良好的化学稳定性和热稳定性,它们的孔道内存在大量的噻唑N原子和悬挂的-NH₂,这赋予它们良好的气体吸附和催化有机反应的性能。实验结果表明:化合物4能够选择性吸附CO₂,并且化合物4和5都能够高效催化Knoevenagel缩合反应。 三、通过引入各种刚性芳香二羧酸作为辅助配体,成功合成了9个基于Py₂TTz的Zn/Cd-MOFs(6-14)。辅助二羧酸配体的形状、尺寸、取代基,以及金属离子的性质,都对目标化合物的结构有着重要的影响。即使辅助二羧酸配体取代基的轻微改变,也能造成目标化合物从单核SBU到双核SBU、从2D层状结构到3D穿插结构的变化。直线型的二羧酸(2-CH₃-BDC²⁺、2,5-di-CH₃-BDC²⁺、 1,4-NDC²⁺、2,6-NDC²⁺)产生多重穿插的3D结构,V型的二羧酸(5-CH₃-BDC²⁺)生成2D层状结构。然而,直线型的2,5-di-OH-BDC由于受到羟基的影响产生2D层状结构而非3D穿插结构。结构的差别引起了化合物6-14的荧光从蓝色到蓝绿色、蓝白色的变化以及发光强度的变化。这表明合理选择辅助二羧酸配体可以调控MOFs的结构,从而进一步影响它们的荧光性能。 四、将C₃对称的刚性三羧酸H₃BTC和H₃BTB作为辅助配体引入到Py₂TTz配体和相应金属盐的反应体系中,成功合成了6个基于Py₂TTz配体的Zn/Cd-MOFs(15-20)。反应溶剂的差别影响了配体的配位模式,再加上刚性三羧酸配体尺寸的差异,共同造成了目标化合物从单核SBU、双核SBU、三核SBU到五核SBU,从2D层状结构、3D大孔结构到3D穿插结构的变化。同时,化合物15-20结构的变化进一步引起了荧光谱带强度和位置的变化。这表明合理选择辅助三羧酸配体、有意识改变反应溶剂,可以有效调控MOFs的结构,从而进一步影响它们的荧光性能。 综上所述,本论文设计合成了一系列基于Py₂TTz配体的金属-有机框架,并研究其结构多样性、荧光变化、荧光检测、气体吸附和非均相催化Knoevenagel缩合反应的性能,对构筑多功能MOFs材料具有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:2,5-双(4-毗啶基)噻唑[5,4-d]并噻唑;金属-有机框架材料;荧光检测;气体吸附;非均相催化;结构多样性
    英文摘要 As a kind of distinctive ordered porous materials, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), have been imparted various potential applications owing to their intriguing structures and the interesting properties. In order to be applied well, tuning the size or shape of channnel and chemical properties, by changing inorganic SBUs consciously and selecting organic ligands rationally, has been one of the research hotspots. 2,5-Bis(4-pyridyl)thiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole (Py₂TTz) has good luminescence property. Meanwhile, it integrates the features of both thiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole and pyridine, possessing multiple coordination sites. If Py₂TTz Hand is introduced into the structure of MOFs, it will be very interesting to modulate their structure and fluorescence. However, study on MOFs based on Py₂TTz has been reported rarely. In this thesis, through dual-ligand strategy, Py₂TTz Hand has been introduced into the structures of MOFs successfully, and moreover, the performance of their fluorescence, gas adsorption, heterogeneous catalysis, etc, have been investigated systematically. This paper includes four parts as follows: 1.Through dual-ligand strategy, three mixed ligands MOFs (1-3) have been synthesized under solvothermal conditions successfully. The three compounds possess similar two-fold interpenetrated 3D framework structures. Additionally, compounds 1 and 2 display good fluorescent properties and aqueous water stability, which endow them potential aqueous sensors. The results show that compounds 1 and 2 can serve as good fluorescent sensors for nitroaromatics 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (TNP) and antibiotics nitrofurazone (NZF) detection in aqueous system. Furthermore, luminescence quenching mechanism has been investigated systematically. Density functional theory calculations, coupled with spectral overlap experiments, indicate that the luminescence quenching mechanism is dominated by the photo-induced electron transfer (PET) process and the Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET) process simultaneously. Moreover, luminescence decay experiments implies that the luminescence quenching mechanism involves dynamic and static quenching mechanism simultaneously. 2.Two amino functionalized Zn/Cd- Metal-Organic Frameworks (4 and 5) have been successfully synthesized by assembling Py₂TTz, 2-NH₂-H₂BDC and according metal salts under solvothermal conditions. They possess similar 2-fold interpenetrated three-dimensional bipillared-layer framework structures composed of the typical binuclear metal nodes, 2-NH₂-BDC²⁺ two-dimensional layers and Py₂TTz bipillars. The two MOFs possess good chemical and thermal stability, their channels are decorated with the numerous thiazole nitrogens and pendant -NH₂ groups, which impart them good performance of gas adsorption and catalysis. The results demonstrate that MOF 4 can selectively adsorb gas carbon dioxide, and moreover, MOFs 4 can 5 can be employed as efficient heterogeneous catalyst for Knoevenagel condensation reaction under solvent-free conditions. 3.Nine novel Zn/Cd- MOFs based on Py₂TTz ligand (6-14), through introducing various rigid aromatic dicarboxylic acids as auxiliary ligands, have been synthesized under solvothermal conditions successfully. The nature of metal ions, as well as the shape and size of auxiliary dicarboxylate ligands play critical role for their final structures. Even slight variations from various substituent groups have resulted in diverse architectures, which change from monomeric SBU to dimeric SBU, from 2D layered structure to 3D interpenetrated structure. Linear dicarboxylate ligands (2-CH₃-BDC²⁺, 2,5-di-CH₃-BDC²⁺, 1,4-NDC²⁺, 2,6-NDC²⁺) generate 3D multi-fold interpenetrated structures, while V-shaped dicarboxylate ligand (5-CH₃-BDC²⁺) affords 2D layer structure. However, linear 2,5-di-OH-BDC results in a 2D layer structure owing to the influence of hydroxyl group. The diverse structures have caused their structure-dependent emissions ranging from blue to blue-white and blue-green, accompanying the change of luminescent intensity. This indicates that the structures of MOFs may be modulated by rational choice of rigid auxiliary dicarboxylate ligands, and furthermore their luminescent properties also may be changed. 4.The C₃ symmetric rigid tricarboxylic acids H₃BTC and H₃BTB as auxiliary ligands are introduced into the reaction system of Py₂TTz and corresponding metal salts, and as a results, six new Zn/Cd- MOFs (15-20) have been obtained successfully under solvothermal condition. The difference of solvents have resulted in the diverse coordination modes of ligands. The diversity of coordination modes, coupled with the difference of the size of auxiliary rigid tricarboxylate ligands, have resulted in diverse architectures, which change from monomeric SBU to dimeric SBU, to trimeric SBU, to pentameric SBU, from 2D layered structure to 3D porous structure, to 3D interpenetrated structure. Meanwhile, the diverse structures of MOFs 15-20 have further caused changes of luminescent emission position and intensity. This indicates that the structures of MOFs may be modulated by rational choice of rigid auxiliary tricarboxylate ligands and reaction solvents, and furthermore their luminescent properties also may be changed. In summary, a series of metal organic frameworks based Py₂TTz ligand have been designed and synthesized successfully, and moreover, their structural diversities, fluorescence changes, fluorescence sensing, gas adsorption and heterogeneous catalysis properties have been investigated systematically, which may provide the reference for the study of multi-functional MOFs. Keywords: 2,5-Bis(4-pyridyl)thiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole; Metal-organic framework; Fluorescence sensing; Gas adsorption; Heterogeneous catalysis; Structure diversity
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